
Cloud Login has reached the end of its lifecycle. It has been a side project of mine for many years, but now it has been replaced by a service backed by multiple developers with more features and stronger security and flexibility. Below are some of the changes:

  • new domain:
  • database backups and server replication for no downtime
  • dedicated support and maintenence team
  • all games built with old library (pointing to will auto forward to and connect to new site
  • pricing for higher volumes, but ALWAYS free for small indie and hobby projects

You will see on gamefuse some visually broken things like billing meters. We will not be doing any billing yet and those will get fixed up. If you are coming from a playcanvas account you will also get 6 months free on the new platform. It will work exactly like cloudlogin from your games point of view. you dont have to change your library or anything.

As a result of the change, the data from Cloud Login has been lost. My deepest apologies. If you still want the easiest and quickest gaming backend solution, email saying 'cloudlogin user' and we will give you 6 months free no matter what your volume and traffic is on the new system. We appreciate your support and business and look forward to seeing you. I am excited to turn this from a small web service i run outside of my day job to a company where I have the time to build better features for you all and support you all.

